Education & Job Training

Emily’s Place
“I’m happy that I made
the choice to stay.
Because look where I’m
at today. I have a savings
account. I’m looking into
buying a house. I have all
this help and resources
that I didn’t have."
Laura Bush
"Women have a
better chance to secure
freedom and protect
themselves from
violence, from abuse,
from injustice, if they
are well-educated and
know their rights."
Emily’s Place
“Before I got here, I would
get my kids this and that.
But then taking these
[financial literacy] classes,
you learn you can save
and you can budget.
You can use your
money wisely.”
A Path to Independence
At Emily’s Place, we provide case management and education to build clients’ financial literacy and workforce readiness skills. Residents learn to monitor their spending, budget, and build credit. We provide the computer support clients need to complete coursework, create resumes, and research job
or educational opportunities. We also offer access to GED courses and scholarships for college or vocational training as well as transportation
for school, work, and appointments.