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Transforming Lives
Building Communities
Restoring Hope
The Cornerstones of Our Mission
Women fleeing domestic violence often feel they
have little control over
their lives or
We strive to help residents rebuild their self-confidence by providing the support
and guidance they need to achieve their objectives.

Personal Empowerment
Abusers often intentionally destroy their victims’ economic stability to
try and trap them in
the relationship.
We empower residents financially by helping them understand how they spend their money and encouraging them to make wise financial decisions.

Economic Empowerment
Children who have
survived domestic violence often need help trusting
their mothers again.
We promote family
well-being and stability
by providing opportunities
for residents to develop
their parenting skills and
rebuild parent-child bonds.

Family Empowerment
Thank You to Our Gala Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Champion Sponsor

Entertainment Sponsors
Judy and Roy Gurley
Alecia and Josh Hylkema
Centerpiece Sponsor

Butterfly Sponsors
Lori and Mark Conley
Sharon and Jon Kelley
Vivian and Ronald Mays
Laura and William Mays
Betty and Ed Veale
Katie and Mike Wylie

Table Sponsors
Albin Oldner Law
Michelle and David Beasley
Suelyn and Gary Boyd
Alanda, Danny and Riley Cantrell
Deborah and Jay Cassen
The Freedom Foundation
Lynn and Micky Houston
Jill and Kevin Karrh
McPherson Reliability Consultant, LLC
National Association for the Self-Employed
Oceans Healthcare
Kellyrae and Randy Phelps
Michelle and Dennis Schumacher
Tech Plan, Inc.
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